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St. Cloud Surgical Center

Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation

CPAP doesn’t work for many people with sleep apnea. If this is you, you may be a candidate for Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation.

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To learn more about Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation, call St. Cloud Surgical Center at 320-229-3240

No mask. No hose. Just sleep.

CPAP doesn’t work for many people with sleep apnea. If this is you, you may be a candidate for Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation. Inspire works inside your body while you sleep. It’s a small device placed during a same-day, outpatient procedure. When you’re ready for bed, simply click the remote to turn Inspire on. While you sleep, Inspire opens your airway, allowing you to breathe normally and sleep peacefully.

Patient Outcomes

WCCO Interview with Laurie Moline

  • 90% of bed partners report no snoring or soft snoring
  • 79% reduction in sleep apnea events
  • 94% of people are satisfied with Inspire
  • 96% of Inspire patients say Inspire is better than CPAP & would recommend Inspire to others.

Why Choose Inspire

Alternative to CPAP
Inspire treats the root cause of sleep apnea by applying gentle stimulation to key airway muscles during sleep, allowing you to breathe normally, and more importantly, sleep without a mask, hose or machine.

Inspire is placed under the skin of the neck and chest during a short, outpatient procedure. Shortly after the procedure, Inspire is turned on and you’ll be ready to get the sleep you’ve been dreaming of.

FDA Approved
Inspire was FDA approved in 2014 and has been proven both safe and effective in multiple clinical studies. It is the only FDA approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment that works inside the body with just the click of a button.

Center of Excellence
St. Cloud ENT Clinic is one of eight clinics in the World that have received the Center of Excellence award from Inspire.  This recognition as a Center of Excellence is for building and maintaining a program that delivers positive, predictable and enduring health outcomes in patients indicated for Inspire Therapy under their capable leadership.

Request a Consultation
To learn more about Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation, call St. Cloud Surgical Center at 320-229-3240.