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Precision Total and Partial Knee Replacement Through Robotics

Free Knee Pain Seminar in Marshall, MN

Dr. Eric Green and St. Cloud Surgical Center offer Partial and Total Knee Replacement utilizing the NAVIO™ Surgical System- a CT-Free robotic-assisted platform. NAVIO™ is a tool designed to help your surgeon correctly size and position the knee implant. Attend this event to find out if you are a candidate.

Featuring Eric Green, MD Orthopedic Surgeon

Eric Green, MD
St. Cloud Surgical Center offers Partial & Total Knee Replacement in an Outpatient Setting. Go Home The Same Day Of Your Procedure.

Register Here

Attend our FREE seminar to learn more about these options

Monday November 12, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm (Food and drinks provided)
Event Location:
Marshall Area YMCA
200 S A Street
Marshall, MN 56258

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